It can be hard to get a good night’s sleep in the outdoors when you do not have the right gear to stay cozy and warm. No matter how much you love Mother Nature, having a comfortable and versatile sleeping bag is key to avoiding those uncomfortable nights where you begin to second guess if you are really prepared to brave a night without shelter. Unfortunately, sleeping bags are not one-size-fits-all. You must consider how bulky they are, how warm they are, if they are breathable and if they are affordable when you are shopping to gear up for your next excursion.
If you are not sure what linings, temperature ranges and materials to look for, sleeping bag shopping can be overwhelming. Here are the top 10 sleeping bags to consider to make the mission to find the perfect bag for your preferences.
1. Coleman Brazos Cold Weather Sleeping Bag
Coleman is a leading name in camping gear and has developed a comfortable and easy-to-use sleeping bag that can help you stay warm even when it is 20 degrees outside. The specially-designed bag comes with a special zipper to prevent snags and a unique Roll Control System that makes it possible to pack it up and store in seconds. While the bag is rather compact, it will keep campers who are 5’11” and under cozy and give them the perfect place to rest their heads on the soft comfort cuff.
2. Coleman North Rim 0 Degree Sleeping Bag
The Coleman North Rim model mummy bag that can hold campers up to 6’2″ comfortably. Since it has a wide range that goes as low as 0 degrees, this is the perfect option when you are going on a cold weather trip and you do not want to worry about cold pockets in your sleeping bag. The quilting construction will use your own body heat to keep you room and has an insulated draft tube that can battle chilly drafts. The mummy bag even has a hood and is made of machine washable material that is covered by a 5-year warranty.
3. Coleman Trinidad Warm-Weather Sleeping Bag
The Coleman Trinidad model is made for 40 to 60 degree sleeping conditions and is made of a breathable polyester cover and soft tricot liner combination. The cozy design fits users up to 5’11” and has a tech insulation to keep it warm yet durable. Since the bag itself rolls up easily and locks into place for great portability, it is a nice lightweight model if you are backpacking and want a nice pallet sleep on after a long and physical day.
4. TETON Sports Celsius XXL Flannel Lined Sleeping Bag
The TETON flannel-lined sleeping bag is made for temperatures as low as 0 degrees and has a double layer construction that insulates and increases durability. With a full-length zipper that fights drafts and goes from right to left, you have peace of mind in knowing there will not be snags. The versatile bag opens up to act like a blanket and even includes a mummy style hood complete with pillow to keep your head off of the ground.
5. TETON Sports Mammoth Queen Size Flannel Lined Sleeping Bag
If you want to enjoy a sleeping bag for two or for the entire family, the Sports Mammoth sleeping bag measures 94 x 62 inches and has two separate zipper systems so that you can connect other Mammoth bags. It is rated as a 0 degree bag and is designed with offset stitching so that all of that warmth stays inside. While the bag itself is huge, it still has the mummy-style hood to keep your ears warm and your head comfortable.
6. Coleman 45 Degree Youth Sleeping Bag
Who says kids do not need their own sleeping bag? They might fit into the adult version, but this youth sleeping bag is designed to hug your child to sleep and keep them nice and warm. Rated for temperatures of 45 degrees or warmer, this is a warm weather bag with a Roll Control system to make packing up a cinch. It even weighs less than two pounds so that your little one can carry it on their own.
7. Naturehike Outdoor Envelope Sleeping Bag
The Naturehike Outdoor sleeping bag has a simple design that truly works wonders when you are walking long distances. It’s waterproof envelope sleeve makes portability easy and can shrink in size to make more room for your other gear. If keeping warm, dry and comfortable are all priorities, this could be the simplistic bag for you.
8. Wenzel Moose Sleeping Bag
Wenzel might not be a huge name in camping gear, but the company makes high-quality kids sleeping bags with fun designs. This Moose bag will keep your kids smiling and comfy at night with the Insul-Therm fill that is rated for temperatures of 40 degrees or warmer. Weighing just 2.5 pounds, the Moose is easy to carry and comes complete with a sleeve. It is even great for everyday use because it unzips into a blanket.
9. Suisse Sport Adventurer Mummy Ultra-Compactable Sleeping Bag
If you want to sleep like an Egyptian in temperatures as low as 30 degrees, this mummy-style bag could be perfect for you. The Suisse Sport Adventurer is for hikers in dry conditions who need lightweight gear but who need to get a good rest by staying warm. If you want a packable option, this mummy bag measures 12 x 7 x 7 and has a compression stuff sack.
10. Coleman Big Basin Extreme Weather 0-20 Degree Sleeping Bag
If you believe in doing everything to the extreme, the Big Basin Extreme is a big and tall bag that will keep you warm and cozy in temperatures between 0 and 20 degrees. Since it has a roomy design, hikers are tall as 6’6″ can fit. It also uses a quilting technology that will keep out the cold spots and lock in the thermal energy. If you happen to be camping on a warmer night, you can even increase the ventilation with a simple zip and make your bag more versatile.
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